Joint Statement On The Air Force's Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement On F-35 Basing


"The revised draft Environmental Impact Statement is lengthy, at more than 2500 pages, and will take time to carefully and thoroughly review. We understand that the major changes are an update to the population mapping based on 2010 Census data and the inclusion of the many comments submitted during the initial and extended public comment periods. Though there appear to be no fundamental changes in this updated report, we welcome the effort to incorporate newly available information, as well as the additional comment period which allows Vermonters to weigh in with their views and questions and suggestions.

"We continue to believe basing the plane in South Burlington will be good for the future of the Vermont Air Guard and for the state's economy. We also believe the decision making process must be open and transparent and that the Air Force must take into consideration the community's concerns. We encourage all interested Vermonters to communicate their views during the comment period and encourage the Air Force to make practical adjustments to the plan that will address the valid concerns of residents and businesses."
